COVID-19: We are not hosting private retreats during the months of December 2020 and January 2021.

Are you looking for a retreat center nearby that offers a silent retreat or the ability to rent out a room for a private retreat?

Private Retreats – ( This means that you may rent out a  room for a private, unstructured retreat. If you go on a retreat where no formal schedule is provided it is called a private retreat. You might be staying in a hermitage by yourself. The main point is that there will not be talks given at these retreats –  you schedule your days as you wish. There are different approaches you can take to the spiritual aspect of the retreat. You might study a great spiritual book, you may commit to a regular set of prayers each day like the Liturgy of the Hours or the Rosary, or you might just schedule regular periods of prayer and contemplation without a set plan for structured prayers or readings.

Directed Retreats ( A directed retreat simply means that you are meeting with a spiritual director regularly over the course of a private retreat. A spiritual director is often a priest or religious sister or brother trained to help guide you spiritually. What is the main benefit of a directed retreat? The spiritual director will monitor your progress during the retreat. They can offer insights about your spiritual life and offer suggestions on how to get the most out of the remainder of your retreat. The spiritual director uses their unbiased perspective to help you find and correct any deficiencies in your prayer life, and to encourage you to foster the elements that are working well.

The spiritual director will likely be a priest, nun, or monk who is on staff at the center. It is important to note that this form of spiritual director is a little different than a spiritual director that you might meet with on a regular basis to discuss your spirituality and everyday life. The spiritual director we are talking about will only be guiding you through the duration of your retreat.

Spiritual Director: Sr. Dorothy Eggering, SSND

Sister Dorothy has training in theology, including a masters in theology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX, and also in spiritual direction. She has completed a three year training course in spiritual direction and has been involved as a facilitator in training spiritual directors through the HeartPaths DFW Programs in Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Direction as well as in providing spiritual direction to interested individuals for the past six years.

Spiritual Director: Catherine Bartley, M.A.

Catherine Bartley’s passion is walking with an individual on the journey with God. Spiritual Direction is a once a month, one on one confidential meeting with an individual in a safe place, without judgment, listening to the person speak about their life and growing in relationship with God.  The Holy Spirit is the true director in spiritual direction. Catherine’s background includes many years of Scripture study, Ignatian prayer, Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer and other prayer forms.  As an active member of St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church in Arlington, Catherine is open to working with people of various faiths in their journey with God.

Her education includes:  Spiritual Direction Certificate from two year Benedictine Program-Colo Springs, CO; Masters of Arts in Ministry with focus in Spiritual Direction-Seattle University; Graduate of 4 year Catholic Biblical School-Archdiocese of Denver, C.

What do directees say about Catherine?

“her direction was very insightful”

 “very respectful, trustful and a very good listener”

“She brings me the light of God”

“Catherine offered me a great deal of listening, helped slow me down so I could discern and offered continued prayer experiences.  All 3 of these gifts along with a deep sense of trust allowed me to grow in faith and trust in God.”

Catherine is happy to talk with you about the possibility of Spiritual Direction.  “In Him all things hold together.”  Colossians 1:17

We offer special packages for Private and Directed Retreats. Our packages include private room and meals for a Two-Day Retreat. Please contact us.