about us
Thank You!
Special Thanks to the following groups and individuals whose generous donations of time, talent, and treasure made the renovation of Casa 3 possible.
St. Paul the Apostle, Richardson, TX
Rev. David J. Flori
Suzanne and Robin Delcambre
David Adamson
Deana and Paul Albrecht
Lois and Phil Abrego
Kevin Alewine
Kem Barron
Deacon Bob Bonomi
John Burr
Mike Cahill
Edgar Calderon
Barney Carbajal
Virginia Cardenas
Julie and FM Carroll
Marilyn and Jim Carruthers
Tom Clifford
Michele and Jeff Cormier
Suzanne and Mike Costigan
Mike Crowley
Pablo Gonzales
Liz Conrad-Goedecke
Kim and Allen Gump
Ed Hightower
Jane and Mike Koenecke
Rick and Anna LeBlanc
Dan Raz
Tom Raz
Paige Reno
Maryan Schirm
Ellen and David Smith
Andy Tait
Cynthia and John Herndon
Diaconate Formation Class 2018